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indie art & design blog

rob yee on show

Tuesday, August 02, 2011 | by Carolyn Price

Fungi by Sydney-based illustrator Rob Yee

"Fungi" by Sydney-based illustrator Rob Yee

Once again, Rob Yee has his wonderful watercolours on show at TIGHT: Project Space in Kings Cross, Sydney. His wry specimen charts illustrate a variety of evolutionary steps between species of birds, fish and other creatures, and in other works, he applies scientific classification to more than the physical traits of living things. In our last post on the work of Rob Yee, we pictured his renderings of hybrid sea creatures fantastic and fanciful. This time, Rob's illustrations appear observational... the organism's phenotype has apparently morphed quite independently of the artist, and the artworks serve as evidence.

Fish by Sydney-based illustrator Rob Yee

"Fish" by Sydney-based illustrator Rob Yee

The humour lies waiting in the small, effortless details Rob has imagined into his creatures. Most are just a little odd, and then the occasional 'crazy' blurts onto the page. Where such anomalies would jar among the meticulous depictions of Ernst Haeckel, Rob's light-handed approach allows those moments to sneak onto the page!

Birds by Sydney-based illustrator Rob Yee

"Birds" by Sydney-based illustrator Rob Yee

Rob's current show has already opened, and will continue until Friday 5th August at:
TIGHT: Project Space
33 Roslyn Street, Kings Cross, 2011.

You can see more of Rob Yee's work at

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