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hooded scarf knitting project: part 2

Tuesday, October 04, 2011 | by Carolyn Price

First three stitches of the scarf - KnitKnit Hooded Scarf project
Knitting the scarf for the KnitKnit Hooded Scarf

Next up for my Hooded Scarf Project was the scarf section. Having completed the hood in a surprisingly short timeframe, I now felt like a pro...

Scarf Progress - KnitKnit Hooded Scarf knitting project
Further progress on the scarf for the KnitKnit Hooded Scarf knitting project

I cast on the first few stitches as the afternoon sunlight illuminated my bedroom, and I felt like a teenager again - stealing quiet hours with nothing 'pressing' to do... Other than make something new! My needles click-clacked with an almost even tempo, and with only 17 stitches per row, the scarf began to take shape well before the sun sank out of view.

The completed scarf section for the KnitKnit Hooded Scarf knitting project

I continued alternating between knit and purl that evening, and part of the next; repeatedly (and impatiently!) measuring the length until I'd reached 150cm. I then added about a dozen rows for good measure. (I also chose to ignore a lapse in concentration where I'd accidentally knitted when I was meant to purl, and vice versa. After all, I wanted MY scarf to be unique. I couldn't even remember which part of the movie to blame for my mistake - something had apparently caught my attention!)

Two halves stitched together - KnitKnit Hooded Scarf knitting project

Once the two halves of the Hooded Scarf were completed, all I needed to do was stitch them together. The first section was folded and stitched to form the hood. I then located the centre of the long section and lined it up with the centre of the hood. Using the cute pink plastic needle supplied in my KnitKnit Kit, I stitched 2cm across, 1cm back until it was ready to wear.

The completed KnitKnit Hooded Scarf

I really enjoyed my personal knitting revival, and a big thanks to Anna from KnitKnit for making it all so easy! The yarn included in my KnitKnit kit is really beautiful, and the finished Hooded Scarf is so soft and cosy to wear. Knitting is a wonderful way to put aside some time just for you and your thoughts. A 'newbie' project such as this is so easy too - fun for anyone, without having to think too hard about what you're doing! A KnitKnit Kit would make the perfect give for a friend who just needs a little time to rediscover their creative self...

By the way, I've already begun my next knitting project... a giant picnic blanket for my baby's first birthday party!

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