Attention: indie art & design is taking a short break until mid-June 2024. During this time orders will not be taken but we look forward to seeing all of our valued and future customers very soon!

To register on Indie Art & Design, you will need to choose a user name and supply a valid email address. A password will be emailed to you. You can then login to the site and add extra details such as your password.

Your email address will be added to the Indie Art & Design email list and you will receive Indie Gift Guides (for special occasions such as Christmas, Mother's Day etc) and the occasional announcement about the site. If you would prefer not to receive emails, simply de-delect this option in your account settings. We will never give your email address to any third party.

Once registered and logged in, you can post comments without needing to enter your name and email address each time. (However, to prevent spam, the first comment posted by any user must be approved by the moderator before it appears on the site.)

indie art & design
P.O. Box 382,
N.S.W., 1435,