Attention: indie art & design is taking a short break until mid-June 2024. During this time orders will not be taken but we look forward to seeing all of our valued and future customers very soon!

indie art & design blog

hello 2008!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 | by Carolyn Price


Welcome back Indies! We decided to take a good break this festive season & we return to you refreshed, relaxed & ready to bring you a multitude of indie goodness in 2008. We hope you all enjoyed the celebrations - if you received an Australian indie gift that you just love, drop us a line as we'd love to feature a collection of gifts brought to us by Santa! A post-Christmas celebration of sorts... We'll start the ball rolling tomorrow when we reveal a few favourites from under our tree. Actually, it's more a "Christmas potplant" than a tree, but it works for us!

P.S. Aren't these flowers just stunning?! (They were also a Christmas surprise for yours truly.)

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