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indie art & design blog
three of a kind: madeleine stamer

Limited edition giclee print by Madeleine Stamer
Three incredibly talented Melbourne girls have joined forces to bring us the upcoming "Three of a Kind" exhibition. We are thrilled to be supporting this show, and will be bringing you artist interviews as well as pics from the opening night, which will be at
Lab X Gallery on Friday 20th November 2009, from 6-8pm.
Madeleine Stamer (of Little Circus Design), Irene Grishin-Selzer (of Iggy & Lou Lou) and Beci Orpin (of Beci Orpin & Tiny Mammoth) are the 'artists three' and they've launched a pop-up blog at to cover the exhibition!
We've asked each artist a series of questions about the show, and first up is Madeleine! Her artworks are just beautiful, with fluid graphic and illustrative elements. I think people feel a strong connection to her work as it seems very personal. Each image tells a story, with inspiration drawn from the characters & creatures from her childhood, natural history, Mexicana, folk art, vintage prints & patterns.
Madeleine has taken a little time off from exhibition preparations to tell us about the show, and working with Irene & Beci...

Limited edition giclee print by Madeleine Stamer
I What makes you 'three of a kind'? The motivations behind your works, your techniques & approach or the themes that run through the artworks, or a little of each?
MS Our three of a kind theme is multi-faceted. Broadly speaking it covers our fond admiration for each other's personal style and shared interests. The three of us have a similar work aesthetic and we are motivated by similar medium choices and inspiration. Our work often possesses folk traditions and like-minded ideas injected with a humorous yet dark edge. Building up to the show we have maintained tight communication with one another via email and we have been privy to digital images of each other's work that we are including in the show. Obviously we haven't seen absolutely every piece of work but we trust each other completely. I personally can't wait to see how it will all come together.

"Bird on a Cross" Limited edition giclee print by Madeleine Stamer (AU $150 A3 size or $330 56x76cm)
I What led you down this career path?
MS I chose to pursue illustration because I simply adore the drawing process. I have two small children and limited studio space plus I sold my kiln so illustrating became a very appealing career choice. I’m also a part time art teacher so luckily I have access to a kiln. I still love working with clay and I regularly get the students involved with clay-based projects.

The Blackeyed Susans "Reveal Yourself" Album cover by Madeleine Stamer
I What do you love most about being an artist/designer?
MS Luckily for me I have the regularity of a good part time teaching job but I also love the thrill of being involved in freelance opportunities and agency work. You never know what is around the corner and there are so many wonderful opportunities to become involved in. Obviously my illustration work is sporadic but somehow it all comes together. I push myself to be ultra organized and communicative otherwise opportunities fall by the wayside. I also have a very loving and supportive husband who encourages me to keep moving! When I’m not teaching and if I don’t have any deadlines I squeeze in my personal art such as the work that I have compiled specifically for the three of a kind show. Being able to combine so much of what I love makes me a happy person, but it takes hard work and determination particularly when you have kids.

Illustration by Madeleine Stamer
I Does living in Melbourne influence your artwork?
MS Unknowingly I think it has an intrinsic connection to my work. My environment and experiences influence my work a great deal. My art often references fond childhood experiences and interesting encounters. I lived near Dampier Creek in Mount Waverley. In the 70's, Mount Waverley was semi-rural! Milk was delivered by horse and cart (now I'm really showing my age!) Most geographical areas have a personality, Melbourne certainly has great characteristics and I love it very much!
I What is the focus of your work for the Three Of A Kind exhibition?
MS 2D work, large-scale giclee prints and I have designed some limited edition birdie mobiles made of laser-cut acrylic. The themes vary, but as usual most images include a bird and a little touch of Australiana.

Limited edition giclee print by Madeleine Stamer
I What do you love most about the work of the other two girls?
MS Their originality and the personality that shines through their work.
Thanks so much, Madeleine for sharing a piece of the Little Circus world with us, and best wishes to all three artists for the show! It will be a special one...
You can see more of Madeleine's work at Little Circus Design, or revisit our previous posts about her work: 20.12.2007 "feature artist: madeleine stamer" and 15.4.2007 "run away with little circus". If you're in Melbourne, make sure to visit the Three Of A Kind blog and of course, the show!
The exhibition opens at Lab X on Friday 20th November 2009, from 6-8pm, and continues until November 29.
Lab X
40 Pakington St, St Kilda, 3182.
ph. 03 9534 8838
Gallery hours are 8.30am to 6pm Monday to Friday.
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