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win a melbourne semi-permanent experience!

Work by Semi-Permanent Sydney 2011 speaker Moffitt Moffitt (Sydney-based creative direction company)
Over the last eight years, Semi-Permanent has become an institution of the design scenes in Sydney and Melbourne. (In fact, Semi-Permanent has hosted 26 events in total - covering 5 countries.) Students and professionals from all over look forward to the annual line-up of inspirational speakers from both Australia and abroad.
The creative conference covers all disciplines of design, including graphic design, film, fine art, illustration, web design, interactive design, photography, visual effects, animation, graffiti, motion graphics, stop motion, architecture, and its impressive reputation attracts support from the cream of the world's design, art, and media communities.

Work by Semi-Permanent Sydney 2011 speaker Fuel (Sydney-based visual effects studio)
Quite a few years back (in 2005 I think?!), I was fortunate enough to see Beci Orpin speak at Sydney's Semi-Permanent. She documented a day in her life as a designer, and along the way, talked about the process of working with clients such as Burton to take her designs from initial concepts through to completed products. All these years later I still think back to her presentation & feel inspired!

Artwork by Semi-Permanent Sydney 2011 speaker Reg Mombassa (Sydney-based artist and musician)
Earlybird tickets still available... The Sydney Semi-Permanent event isn't long away now! It will be held on the 13th and 14th of May at the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre. The lineup includes:
Kayt Jones (Photographer - London just announced)
Corey Arnold (Photographer - Portland, USA)
Annie Sperling (Production Designer - Los Angeles)
Surface to Air (Directors, Fashion, Agency, Designers - Paris/Brazil)
Reg Mombassa (Artist, Musician - Sydney)
Seb Lester (Typography - London)
Michael Leon (Graphic Design - Los Angeles)
Moffitt Moffitt (Creative Direction - Sydney)
Alt Group (Agency - Auckland)
Fuel VFX (Visual Effects - Sydney)
Earlybird tickets are still available so order yours before April 15th to save $100-$200 (depending on how many days you choose to attend). Student tickets are always well-priced with 1 Day for $90 or 2 Days for $140. (Group discounts are also available.)
Will take place on August 5th, 2011. Keep an eye on the web site for lineup announcements...

The Semi-Permanent event pack - yours when you purchase a 2-Day ticket
Your chance to win!... If you're hoping to attend Melbourne's Semi-Permanent later this year (September 23rd and 24th), Eckersley's Art and Craft is giving you the chance to win a 2 day Semi-Permanent Melbourne experience staying at The Art Series Hotel, The Cullen! This trip for two includes return airfares, 3 nights' accommodation at the stunning Art Series Hotel, The Cullen and of course, the 2 tickets to Semi-Permanent. 3 runners up will also win a ticket to Semi-Permanent Melbourne.
To enter, create and design you own typography for the phrase DESIGN TOOLS FOR ALL TYPES in the space provided on the entry form, and drop it into your nearest Eckersley's Store. The competition runs until April 15 2011 - so get creative & happy typographing!
For more info about Semi-Permanent, visit, and for competition and entry details, check out
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